Simple: any web marketing strategy fails if you don't have the slightest idea who you're communicating with. I am sure that you are able to understand perfectly, during the first stages of the interview, what type of client you are dealing with and which policy could be right for him. Unfortunately, on the web, you can't rely on this ability of yours. The risk is to waste your money to sponsor a post by showing it to an untargeted audience. Read the guide on how to create a key audience in Ads Manager , or decide to entrust the management of your Facebook Page to us , or to a freelancer.
Beyond the technical aspects, which you can decide to know or not, your contribution on the profiling of the target audience is fundamental. Let's start with the location : in which area do your philippines number example current customers (or the new ones you would like to acquire) live? Show your ads only to an audience that could really be interested in reaching your studio. If you are the one visiting the customers, establish the maximum distance you are willing to travel. What is the age group that you consider most suitable if you have to promote a particular policy of yours? Is gender indifferent or, based on your experience, are women (or men) more sensitive to that type of product? Take some time for detailed targeting options too .
Do you really think your audience is interested in insurance? Of course not! This type of interest is probably only found in your competitors. 2. Showcase your skills and expertise: Your audience must identify you as the best answer to their needs. Showcase your skills If, in addition to the mandatory Ivass refresher courses , during the year, you study and specialize in a specific field, you absolutely must communicate this within your web marketing strategy. You can add your insurance company information to your Facebook page . Always keep your website's "about us" page up to date: you can't imagine how important it is for conversion purposes (pushing a regular visitor to trust you and become your customer).
Why do we start with the public?
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