An extremely complex and deeply philosophical challenge. Two tips for this new authority to be established. It will be a challenge to attract the scarce best talent, because you have to compete with the ridiculously well-paid tech giants. Secondly, the right synthesis of the technical beat side with the softer alpha knowledge has to be found. Technicians, philosophers and ethicists in one room.
In any case: social and political recognition of the dilemmas that AI inevitably brings with it is necessary. Get to work on it. And in 2018.
– Joost Steins Bisschop , Strategist and house philosopher
While services are becoming more and more similar, consumers are increasingly seeking recognition of the parties from whom we do or do not purchase services. At the same time, we increasingly purchase our services without being in direct contact with a branded interface , but we have contact via voice or chat.
It leads to a peculiar paradox. While the strategic importance of branding to distinguish yourself as a brand is only increasing, we as designers have less and less visual means at our disposal to give that brand substance. Where we now have an entire user flow to make our brand identity tangible, we will have to do it for more and more users via micro-interactions, small animations, just sound or even the light glow on a smart assistant.
Brand design
In recent years, brands have been able to distinguish uk whatsapp number themselves primarily with the quality of the user experience , but the focus on UX has now become so widely embraced that an excellent user experience alone is no longer enough to distinguish yourself.
Designing from the values of a brand
Under the influence of AI, what makes a brand and how it influences our design process will change significantly in the coming years. From pure visual recognition to service design to branding beyond the pixel . Branding will become an integral part of the entire service design process and all the underlying choices. Up to and including the corporate culture and social choices that a brand makes.
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Branding becomes an integral part of the entire service design process and all underlying choices.
For designers, the challenge is to dare to design from the values of a brand, even if that may not lead to the path of least resistance. Then it is the art of making those choices tangible in the ever-decreasing resources that we as designers have at our disposal.
– Martijn Hinfelaar, Creative lead.
Prediction 3. Brand design goes beyond the pixel
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