With short sentences and simple words.

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With short sentences and simple words.

Post by tanjilaakter0011 »

Respect effective communication
The first point to work on communication with the customer : avoid any useless interaction. Attention, I underline the fact that the thinning must occur on what is not needed and not on the essential pivots telegrama sa pilipinas to have a clear picture of the situation. The economy of communication requires, first of all, an intelligent use of e-mail. Which must always be:

Short but not poor.
Directed to the right people.
Focused on the topic.
Not dispersive.
Grammatically correct.
Formatted if necessary.
The concept: Limit the cognitive effort to interpret your communication as much as possible. The rules for writing a good email are always the same, but to summarize I can say this: remove what is not necessary, simplify terms and sentence structure, format the text. If the email is longer than a few paragraphs, consider using the phone to gather your thoughts.

Take life lightly, because lightness is not superficiality, but gliding over things from above, not having boulders on your heart – American Lessons

The economy of communication should not be confused with superficiality and the habit of omitting useful details to understand how the work will be carried out. This can happen through fault or malice (a terrible situation in the latter case) but in any case the possibilities are there.


And they risk putting your business at risk. An example that interests me personally: the costs of VAT with the ordinary regime. When I invoice companies or professionals there is the need to make the customer pay the withholding tax . It seems strange but this point is not always clear

So you find yourself arguing about why you should pay that amount to the state. How do you solve it? Effectively communicate the details before you start working. Especially when it comes to costs and taxes.
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