One time discount/coupon for this purchase

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One time discount/coupon for this purchase

Post by robiulhasan »

A one time, limited offer for any items the customer will purchase in this specific visit, presented when the customer is about to leave the site. If they come back another time this offer will be gone.

This incentivizes the customers to make a purchase during this visit and cell phone number leads not wait for a later date. This helps to prevent both browse and cart abandonment and can appear at any page one the site.

Furthermore, having the customer fill in their email address to get the code, it helps you not only to capture their email address but to also be able to auto-apply the coupon code to avoid the coupon trap at the checkout.

Time limited discount/coupon
A time limited offer that expired at a certain time (i.e. at 6pm) or within a certain time using a countdown clock (i.e. in one hour).

Since this type of offer constraints the customer with a time frame, it induces a sense of urgency that stimulates the customer to make a quick purchase. The code for the offer should be exchanged only for an email address and should be automatically embedded during checkout.

Additionally, you can perpetuate the sense of urgency by setting a constant reminder of the time left for being able to use the coupon/discount. This can be done by utilizing the banners on your site that are shown on all pages, throughout the customer’s journey on the site, as shown below.
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