Java or Python: Which Language is Better?

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Java or Python: Which Language is Better?

Post by aminaas1576 »

Python and Java are equally popular languages, but the first one is considered more productive. It requires less code to solve many problems compared to the second one. However, Python has not yet ousted its competitor. In this article, we will try to understand why many developers continue to use Java.

Java or Python: Which Language is Better?Java or Python: Which Language is Better?
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Advantages of Python
Let's look at why Python is considered more efficient than Java and allows you to save a lot of time when creating a web application.

Dynamic typing
An important advantage of Python is dynamic typing. Due to it, the developer does not need to spend time declaring a variable, it is enough to assign it a name and a value. Python itself determines usa email list the type based on the assigned value.

In Java, things are different. This language is statically typed. The developer must declare the types of variables. If there is an error in his code, the program will be executed incorrectly, or will not run at all.

Java or Python: Which Language is Better?
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The famous phrase "brevity is the soul of wit" can be a great illustration of Python. A couple of lines in this language can contain code that would take up much more space in Java. Let's consider the simplest program in one and the second language.
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