The cloud as an ally of accessibility and data-driven decisions

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The cloud as an ally of accessibility and data-driven decisions

Post by shukla7789 »

Discovering the cloud as an ally in a data economy that demands profitable, efficient and agile businesses is essential. Learn how it impacts business.
Growing digitalisation has led to an increasingly connected world. Technology turns everyday actions into data that accumulates and hides valuable information about our customers that can be accessed through analysis.

Discovering behaviour patterns, 99 acres database needs, uncovering risks – all of this is possible thanks to technologies such as machine learning that allow us to analyse huge amounts of data in seconds. But what role does the Cloud play in all of this?

Transition to the cloud: challenges, benefits and solutions

The cloud is now part of the data strategies of large and small organizations, offering highly versatile services, from infrastructure to software level. Although it is not all advantages, there are many benefits that this model provides for accessing unlimited resources efficiently, and more and more companies are adopting it.

HubSpot BLOG

Cloud computing will continue to be a bastion of security and innovation , supporting growth in times of uncertainty due to its agile, elastic and scalable nature .

Source: Sid Nag, Vice President Analyst at Gartner

Data-driven decisions and the cloud
Many companies are interested in working with big data generated in this highly interconnected world and, in fact, this is one of the main reasons why data processing is migrating to the cloud.

In this sense, responding to the needs of real-time analysis in order to make data-driven decisions is one of the great challenges. Not in vain, the information that is generated is increasingly analyzed closer to the source, as in the case of IoT devices.

HubSpot BLOG

Small and medium-sized businesses that used cloud computing saw 21% more profits and grew 26% faster.

Source: Deloitte

The cloud can offer cost reduction, agility and scalability for the storage and processing of large volumes of data, which in turn impact business results, as indicated in the aforementioned Deloitte study.

Increasingly, multi-cloud environments are the norm rather than the exception. Processing information, making it available to all teams at any time and place, and keeping it secure are unavoidable priorities for data directors.

The cloud, and especially comprehensive solutions that combine security, data visibility and cloud computing, such as Snowflake , which already have integrated artificial intelligence that provides them with almost infinite possibilities, are increasingly competitive for businesses seeking to lead the data economy.
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