What is Metaverse and how does your business fit into it?

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What is Metaverse and how does your business fit into it?

Post by shukla7789 »

Understand what Metaverse is and see how your business can fit into this trend that promises to be the future of social interaction.
In recent weeks, one of the topics that has dominated the internet has been the Metaverse. But do you know what it is or how it impacts your business?

We live in the age of technology, mass information and social interaction via the internet.

Unlike a few years ago, today you can open your WhatsApp , Instagram or Facebook to make a purchase in a practical way.

This is because the interaction between student database and consumers has changed, and now it seems that the next step in this transformation is in the Metaverse.

Therefore, in today's article you will better understand the size of the influence that this new virtual environment is bringing to people (and to your company).

But what is the Metaverse?
The Metaverse can be defined as a virtual and collective environment that connects with the real world.

In this environment, people will interact through avatars (which is the 3D version of the user).

In other words, the user will interact in an online, non-real environment, using specific equipment, such as virtual reality (VR) glasses, for example.

This is already happening with games, in which players' experiences are increasingly real.

However, the new thing now is to extend this Metaverse to other areas, so that people can work, interact, study, do business, etc.

And how did the Metaverse come about?
The creation of the term Metaverse is attributed to Neal Stephenson, who first mentioned the term in his book Snow Crash (Published in Brazil as Snow Crash and Nevasca), from 1992.

However, the idea of ​​a virtual world (already present in films like Matrix) is now Mark Zuckerberg's newest venture.

The Metaverse exists in virtual spaces where you can create and explore with others who are not in the same physical space as you.

Mark Zuckerberg

What is the Metaverse for?
In any area of ​​activity, the Metaverse serves to simulate, in a virtual environment, a real experience.

The recent example of this simulation was even released by the press, pointing out that the city hall of Uberlândia – MG held a meeting in the Metaverse.

In the educational area, for example, the Metaverse can simulate environments to allow students to experience life in a way that is close to reality.

As for companies, it is possible to reproduce the business environment virtually, participate in meetings and continue to the space for coffee, making remote work more dynamic.

The Metaverse and Companies
As you've already seen here, the Metaverse's main focus is on companies.

After all, the expectation is that they will take the initiative to finance projects to use the Metaverse in training, events, work meetings, etc.

And those who are already taking advantage of the opportunity to launch products are brands such as Nike, Ralph Lauren, Itaú, Vans, Fortnite, Gucci, Balenciaga, Burberry, Stella Artois and Lojas Renner.
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