Which is why we believe it would be appropriate to write

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Which is why we believe it would be appropriate to write

Post by mahbubamim077 »

We have drawn attention to the topic of capital engineering as one of the appropriate moments for the legal structuring of companies . To our delight, the response from the academic and professional community has been encouraging, not only for a dynamic approach to Corporate Law, as presented in the book, but also for this aspect in particular.

However, many doubts still persist regarding this approach to the company, which is why we believe it would be appropriate to write this essay that, by presenting the issue from a very elementary angle, could colombia bulk sms packages shed light on the issues involved, broadening not only the debate, but also further the concern with the matter during the process of creation, structuring and, eventually, corporate restructuring. However, we reiterate: the motivation of this essay is to show the basics, to understand the elementary, the basics. By assimilating this basic, it will be possible to evolve to more complex issues, scenarios, figures and mechanisms.

Let's start from a theoretical background: the essence of the concept of a company: an organized economic activity, professionally exercised (article 966 of the Civil Code) with the purpose of producing appropriable pecuniary surplus value; in short: investing, managing and profiting. And this trinomial is already eloquent in terms of capital engineering. Unfortunately, there is great difficulty in understanding and experiencing this concept. Many people intend to call a company what it is not: an unstructured personal action; professionalism in the exercise of the company is confused with professionalism in the exercise of the business purpose, which is a monstrous mistake.
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