flamingo-project.eu awarded at .eu Web Awards 2022

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flamingo-project.eu awarded at .eu Web Awards 2022

Post by sakibss »

MBN nanomaterialia tells its story and that of flamingo-project.eu, the website registered on Register.it awarded and at the .eu Web Awards 2022.
THEThe .eu Web Awards are an online competition launched by EURid, the organization that presides over the management of .eu domain names, created to identify, recognize and reward the best .eu or .ею websites in six different categories.

This year's edition features the domain flamingo-project.eu , registered on Register.it.
The website flamingo-project.eu was, in fact, awarded in the "Laurels" category, a usa phone number list category dedicated to websites of non-profit organizations or institutions that promote education on a permanent basis or through pan-European projects. To learn more about the .eu Web Awards and the 6 categories provided, please refer to the article dedicated to the .eu Web Awards 2022.

We interviewed Massimo Grippo, Marketing Manager of MBN nanomaterialia, to learn more about the history and the project behind the domain flamingo-project.eu.

Good morning Doctor Grippo, can you tell us a little about yourself, what you do and what you do?
“ Since its foundation, MBN has had research and innovation in the field of metal powders and alloys in its DNA. Now on the threshold of its 30th anniversary, there are many and diverse application sectors in which we have contributed to a modernization of what were the traditional dictates in the metallurgical field.

The common thread of all the projects we develop is to offer new technological solutions to materials, improving their mechanical, thermal or wear and corrosion resistance properties, ensuring that specific characteristics and functionality of any object to which they are applied have improved performance. The FLAMINGo project is an example of this, involving partners from all over Europe to bring new reinforced aluminum alloys to the market.”
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