"Pitfalls" in working with VIP clients

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"Pitfalls" in working with VIP clients

Post by subornaakter10 »

Working with VIP clients has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Such consumers require increased attention and special treatment. They need:

payment installments;

purchases on credit;

big discounts;

personal service;

the right to return the goods philippine country code without paying a fine;

the right to choose a product;


exceptions to the generally accepted rules.

All this will be reflected in your expenses, which are usually not counted separately, but simply summed up and divided equally between all clients. If you calculate everything in more detail, it may turn out that working with VIP clients is completely unprofitable. All your profits can go to huge discounts and expenses to ensure additional attention (delivery of goods at your expense, salary of an individual manager, storage in your warehouse).

Of course, sometimes it is more profitable to take large orders. This is true for printing - the more you need to print, the lower the cost price, and it happens that a batch of 20,000 leaflets is cheaper than 200 copies. But often such advantages are absent. For example, in a shoe store, when selling at least one or twenty pairs of shoes, the cost price of the sale itself will not change and there will be no savings, since each box must be brought in and a receipt must be punched out.

"Pitfalls" in working with VIP clients

Source: shutterstock.com

But that's not the main thing. Imagine, for example, that you sell sugar and work with three main clients: company 1, which occupies 60% of the market, company 2 - 25%, and company 3 - 15%. At a certain point, company 1 says that it will buy a lot of sugar from you, but it needs a 30% discount. After long negotiations, you agree on a 20% discount with a deferred payment.

As a result, the cost price of company 1 will decrease by 20%, and due to the payment deferral, significant funds will be freed up, which will be used for advertising. Gradually, this company will force out competitors and take up 90% of the market. Now, when negotiating with you, they will declare that they are a monopoly (and at the same time your only clients) and will agree to take raw materials only with a 50% discount.

This situation is quite common and occurs very often. Therefore, be careful when giving discounts to everyone and giving significant advantages to VIP clients over others.

Despite the above-mentioned shortcomings, such clients should be treated with love. But you should not base all your work only on money (bonuses, promotions and discounts). Offer them other benefits, for example, a reasonable payment deferment.

Alternatively, you can communicate with them periodically, for example, call them once every 2-3 weeks and ask if they are satisfied with everything, if they have any wishes or comments, and organize a personal meeting once every few months.

Your imagination may suggest other options for interaction, the main thing is to act clearly and thoughtfully.
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