Between cash and non-cash incentives, which should you choose? Generally speaking, it depends on whether your customers make repeat purchases.If they don’t buy frequently (e.G. A mattress), then a cash reward might be more exciting to your customers. If they buy often (e.G. Clothes), then perhaps you could give away store credits they can use for their next purchase.Of course, this is just a general rule.
You’ll have to test it on your store to see which buy telemarketing data works better. Rank videos on youtubewe’ve talked about written content and free tools. But there’s another popular format we’ve yet to talk about. Videos.Youtube is the second most popular search engine in the world. Every day, people watch over a billion hours of video on youtube. There’s a huge opportunity for you to generate leads via video.
How to do ithere’s how you can generate leads via youtube.A) target video topics with search traffic potentialfor video marketing, follow the same content marketing strategy you used for blogging and free tools—target video topics that have both search traffic and business potential.To find these topics, enter a relevant keyword into ahrefs’ keywords explorer. Switch the search engine to “youtube.” for example, if you sell bbq equipment, you might enter terms like “bbq”, “barbecue”, and “barbeque”.
Step-by-Step: Creating a Lead Magnet That Works
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