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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:46 am
by Joywtome231
What were the updates for November 2023?
Find similar channels
There are thousands of channels available on Telegram and to help users find information similar to what they already consume, simply join a channel and you will have a list of similar options.

However, only public channels will be available as suggestions.

Messages sent in channels and information shared by friends can be published in Stories with just one click.

Just like on Instagram and WhatsApp, when sharing you can include text, audio, and video.

One of the main changes made in November was precisely the possibility how to write philippine phone number of sharing video messages in Stories.

New profile colors
This update is only valid for premium users where you choose different colors for names, links and replies.

In the premium version you have a ready-to-use color combination and palettes available.


Channel statistics
If you post Stories frequently, you'll have access to the number of views, how many shares and reactions they had, and which ones performed best.

Highlight programming codes in the message
After a programming contest, Telegram is able to identify and highlight programming codes in their original formatting.

These were some of the new features launched by Telegram between November and December 2023.

Stay tuned to the content published here on the blog and follow the changes that happen on Telegram, don't forget to follow Digisac on Instagram @digi.sac .