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How to conduct a satisfaction survey

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:23 am
by mouakter12
There is no doubt that happy customers are gold for a business and researching their satisfaction levels is essential. Why? Basically because happy customers are loyal and, in the long run, this generates greater benefits for the company, especially in the B2B field where sales cycles usually require longer times.

In recent years, we have witnessed that purchasing habits have changed. Everything is now more digital and the way we communicate with customers is too. There has been a radical change in the relationships between companies and their customers. According to HubSpot , both customer service requests and chat conversations have increased by 53% since March 2020.

satisfaction survey

Today, customers are more demanding, have more options, do more research, etc. Nowadays, when it comes to customer service , they do not accept receiving attention from companies in the form of scripts or robotic recordings. Nor do they want to wait in long lines to get assistance. Now, they prefer to get that feedback through conversations with other people based on their particular situation.

We all value and want to retain our customers, but the way we try to help them no longer meets their needs and expectations . What is the best way to do this today? Through satisfaction surveys.

Recommended reading: Customer service: listening and asking are the keys to loyalty

1. What is a satisfaction survey?
A customer satisfaction survey is a study that allows you to determine the free australian email leads degree of satisfaction with a brand, product or service . The information collected with this type of survey is of great value, as it allows you to improve the offer and customer service processes.


Customer reviews and comments are two of the most important factors that validate priority decisions within a business. If you don't know what customers think about a company, it will be more difficult to retain them, delight them and attract them to make future purchases.

Therefore, customer satisfaction surveys serve to:

Reveal opportunities: customers are always honest about what they are not satisfied with. That is why, with a satisfaction survey, you will get the feedback necessary to provide optimal service.
Promote successes: just as you will discover the areas in which you need to improve, you will also learn what your customers like the most. This will help you establish a guide to good practices and replicate successes in other projects.
Boost loyalty: When a customer feels that they are the center of your business, they will know that you are listening to them and that you care about their experience. This increases the chances of them becoming a repeat customer.
Brand differentiation: Not all companies spend time conducting satisfaction surveys and learning about their customers' impressions, so this strategy will allow you to stand out from the competition.