Messages are published that provoke users to perform simple actions: test the product, try it on, get advice, etc.
When implementing this sales scheme, the main task is solved - to arouse the interest of a potential buyer and invite him to take a simple first step, after which he will make a final decision about whether to buy or not.
In other words, a person is not offered to buy a car immediately, but is encouraged to take a test drive.
The Simple First Step Sales Model
Scope of the model:
sale of expensive goods;
offering unique products that have no analogues.
In order to use this type of sales model, it is email lists uk necessary to decide on an object that will play the role of the "first step". Based on the decision, the content posted in the social network group is already formed.
How to Create Your Own Effective Sales Model
No educational institution prepares experienced entrepreneurs of the highest rank. In order to become successful, every businessman must go through the harsh school of life.
Of course, there are several sales models, the authors of which promise economic results after implementation. But the theory does not always correspond to real conditions, especially if you have to act in conditions of ever-increasing competition.
Therefore, first of all, you need to refuse blindly copying ready-made recipes. Often at seminars, various coaches advertise some path by following which you can become a better seller.
Unfortunately, they often make mistakes. What should you do? How not to burn out when launching a business process? It is recommended to create an algorithm of behavior for the best entrepreneurs yourself.
We are talking specifically about the behavior profile, that is, about the specific actions performed by a person. And these practical skills have priority over theoretical knowledge.
At first glance, this approach to understanding the factors that influence commercial success seems difficult and thorny. But this is the way to achieve the goal. It is not just an abstract portrait of a good trader that is created, but the behavior that is necessary for selling a specific product at a favorable price in a niche market with strong competitors.
How to Create Your Own Effective Sales Model
To put it simply: it is necessary to form an individual corporate performance standard, according to which it is possible to both train specialists and give an objective assessment of the results of their work, using various performance indicators.
First, it is necessary to find out what distinguishes the best sales managers from ordinary specialists. The analysis is carried out in six stages:
Stage 1. Selecting the best specialists
It is advisable to find one or more people from the entire staff who are the best at sales. It is necessary to seriously analyze the skills and level of competence of the selected salespeople. They really must have qualities that are absent or weakly expressed in others. It is necessary to find convincing evidence of the superiority of the candidates.
Step 2: Select Several Middle Managers
You can't compare the best with the weak. The paradox is that comparing the qualities of leaders and less qualified salespeople will give more information about poor performance than about good performance.
The main task at this stage is to find behavioral algorithms that lead to increased sales, and not to find weak employees.
Step 2: Select Several Middle Managers
Naturally, the analysis of employee qualities is also valuable when improving the personnel control system. But in our case, the priority is to find specific forms of behavior that ensure high performance of the department's sales leaders.