Some studies have shown that subjects

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Some studies have shown that subjects

Post by shaownislam »

This means that the same email can be read from different types of devices: computers, tablets and mobile devices. You must adapt the message you want to send to each screen. However, a short message can fit on the screen of any of these three devices. As for what you write, it is advisable not to exceed 30 characters. with that number of characters have a higher than average opening rate. Long subjects can become obsolete When it comes to long subjects, this will only work for desktop computers. In these cases, the subject length will vary depending on the monitor resolution settings and the visible field left to the application: In the case of Gmail, it allows you to view the first 70 characters. Hotmail allows 60 characters., Yahoo Mail is a bit shorter: 46 characters.

Although length is not a problem on these outlook email lists devices, it is recommended not to use more than 30 or 40 characters . In this case, the attractiveness of the message you want to convey comes into play. [bannerHero] 35 characters and a 3.3% CTR, data from a successful campaign A study conducted by Litmus on subject line length concluded that, at most, a subject line on a mobile device is completed in 35 characters . In the case of CTR, depending on the subject, a marketing company achieved the following data: Emails that were between 1 and 20 characters long had a click-through rate of 2.4%. Those with between 21 and 60 characters, 1.2%. Those with more than 61 characters, 1.3%. The difference between long and short issues is quite striking. The difference between short issues vs. long issues reaches double the percentage.
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