5 tips to help your LinkedIn and Google ranking

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5 tips to help your LinkedIn and Google ranking

Post by Joywtseo421 »

1. Complete your LinkedIn profile with detailed content and industry-relevant keywords

2. Create a more specific job title and headline

3. Customize the URL of your public LinkedIn profile

4. Be willing to display your full name (first name and last name)

5. Change the setting of your LinkedIn profile to public (and make key content public)

Let’s take a more detailed look at each tip.

Tip #1 Complete your LinkedIn profile with detailed content and industry-relevant keywords
Take time to customize and maximize the space of your Summary section, detail your current job and past positions by adding special, industry-specific keywords that will make your profile sound more unique. A clear benefit kuwait phone number resource of using popularly-targeted keywords is that your profile will be found more easily by recruiters or anyone searching for candidates who’ve used these specific keyword combinations. You shouldn’t add keywords only to your ‘Skills’ section (the ‘Skill Bricks’), but must integrate them naturally in your headline and job title, as well as repeat them in your summary sections, work experience, and project sections.

When you take the time to go over your profile more carefully, you’ll see that there are many areas that you can make more specific by including a region, product or type of partner (e.g. ‘Sales Manager Textiles with a special focus on South East Asia & Material Suppliers). It’s also a smart idea to use natural variations of the same word in different sections of your profile (e.g. ‘Trainer’ also can be varied as ‘Training’, ‘trained’ ‘training partner’, ‘training developer’).

Getting fast, accurate search results are always based on entering specific phrases and terminology. If you want your LinkedIn profile to be found more quickly for specific terms that are important to you, it’s essential that these terms are written specifically into your profile beyond the ‘Featured Skills & Endorsements’ section.
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