There is usually a correlation between the percentage of your money you give to others less fortunate and the amount of time a person volunteers to help others. The percentage of money you give will also give you an idea of how self-centered you are. If you don't give a high percentage of your money, it doesn't make you a bad or evil person, it may be time to think about what you truly believe in.
3. Are you a spender or a saver?
This is an area where moderation is probably the best thing to do. People who canada email list never have two cents to spend live in the moment without knowing what the future holds. They are more likely to live the rest of their lives this way, making decisions without properly assessing their potential future impact. Many adults with ADD are prone to these impulsive decisions and need to be especially careful before making a major decision. People who save every penny never truly live in the moment and deprive themselves of the little joys of life.
The most important thing to take away from this article is that how you manage your money often says a lot more about your values than what you say or what you tell yourself you believe. How you spend your money is physical evidence of your values. The good news is that you can change your money habits to reflect the values you want to have.
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How much money do you give back to others?
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