Custom Job Applications Made Easy

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Custom Job Applications Made Easy

Post by Joywtseo421 »

Have you ever found a few jobs that interest you on the same day and decided to use the same cover letter and resume for them all to save time? If you have, you are not alone. Creating applications for multiple jobs can be time consuming but there are ways to make it quicker and easier.

Step 1 - Create your cheat sheet

Getting your cheat sheet started will take some time but persevere! Once it is done, it can save you hours. What is your cheat sheet? It is a document separate from your resume and cover letter that contains examples of what you have done in the past.

To get started, list out all of the criteria you can think of that the types of roles you are applying for have (also list other skills and experiences that you have that the roles may not ask for). Common criteria can include:

Once you have your list, start writing examples of what you have done in the past that norway phone number resource relates to that criteria. Be achievement focused. Using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) response as you would in an interview is a great way to approach this task, you may need to shorten the examples for a resume but when it comes to interview time, you have a list of relevant stories you can practice and tell! When you are writing your examples, make sure you note what role that experience comes from so you can easily insert these into the correct places in your resume.

Step 2 - Find the jobs that you want to apply for

Once you have identified the roles you wish to lodge an application for, take the time to understand the criteria. If it isn't clear from the advertisement, reach out to a hiring manager to find out more, look at similar roles and make sure you research the company.

Step 3 - Write your cover letter

Be professional but let some of your personality shine through. Steer clear of subjective statements (link) and use your examples from your cheat sheet because the purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself as a candidate and address the essential and desirable criteria of the role. A general template of a cover letter is:
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