He who does not know how to rest

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He who does not know how to rest

Post by md.a.z.i.z.ulha.kim4 »

Such people, in principle, do not know how to relax. In addition, they are often suspicious, have a high level of anxiety and are prone to self-flagellation. It is not surprising that after returning from vacation (if they allowed themselves to rest at all, and did not spend this time solving work issues) they are overcome with a feeling of guilt. Ekaterina , Head of Sales, 34 years old: "Every vacation turns into a nightmare: I can't relax, I think about work.

It constantly seems that something irreparable will happen during my absence: a subordinate will miss a major client or some important information will pass me by. All this is so exhausting that by the end of the vacation korea whatsapp number data I feel even more tired than after a stressful workday." Solution There is a good technique that helps you “trick” your brain and relax without feeling guilty. Imagine that vacation is also work: work to restore your moral and physical strength.

Treat your vacation not as “doing nothing,” but as an important part of the work process. Remember that a vacation spent with pleasure is the key to productive and successful work in the future. " does not know how to work" V.I. Lenin Meeting with reality Some people perceive vacation as an opportunity to escape from difficulties. Leaving unresolved problems at home or at work, such vacationers begin to believe that they have started a new life, and all problems will solve themselves.
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