Showcasing your company brand in a video interview

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Showcasing your company brand in a video interview

Post by Joywtome231 »

When using video chat to perform an interview, those who want to take part in the decision must be present. In the event that not everyone needed can be at an interview, how do you manage to collaborate with them on the hiring decision?

Video interview platforms often have the ability to share recorded videos with colleagues. Additionally, most video interviewing platforms foster collaboration with the inclusion of an internal comment and rating system to evaluate candidates.

Round 3: Candidate Experience
Creating a positive candidate experience is essential to attracting top talent. In the case qatar phone number resource of the video interview, candidates are likely to feel very comfortable with video chat platforms like Skype or Google Hangouts because they are widely used to connect with family and friends from afar.

Candidates’ familiarity with video chat can positively influence their comfort level with video interviewing platforms, as well. We live in a society that embraces video technology and doesn’t fear appearing in front of the camera, making the video interview an option worth considering.

Round 4: Branding
can be a great way to further encourage job candidates to want to work for your company. In fact, a recent survey by CareerBuilder found that 91 percent of candidates believe employment brand plays a key role in their decision whether or not to apply.

Unfortunately, performing an interview with video chat platforms means that the platform’s brand will be featured instead of yours. Want your brand to take center stage? Some video interviewing platforms provide users with the ability to customize the interview experience by changing the colors or adding a logo to reflect the company brand.
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