Key aspects in organizing calls to clients

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Key aspects in organizing calls to clients

Post by subornaakter10 »

When planning a calling strategy, it is necessary to consider: the time of the call, its quantity and the number from which the call is made. Let's consider these aspects in more detail.

When is the best time to call clients? The ideal time for this can be suggested by the client themselves. In the absence of such information, one should be guided by generally accepted mailing address example philippines recommendations.

Key aspects in organizing calls to clients


For B2B (business to business) clients, the ideal time for telephone negotiations is business hours. During the day, the effectiveness of communication is distributed as follows:


from 8 to 9 - the greatest efficiency, clients have not yet become immersed in work processes and are open to negotiations;

from 9 to 17 - average activity, the day is already filled with various tasks;

from 5 to 7 pm – activity increases again, the main workload is already behind us.

For the B2C (business to consumer) sector, the best results in telephone communications are usually achieved before and after work, as well as on weekends.

Each of these recommendations is universal, but the unique characteristics of a particular case should be taken into account.

The frequency of calls to the client depends on the purpose of communication: information, sale of goods or services. In case of notification of new promotions or changes in conditions, one call is enough. When it comes to sales, the situation may vary: sometimes one call is enough to conclude a deal, sometimes it is worth giving the client the opportunity to think and provide for a follow-up call.

Marketers follow the "72-hour rule," offering customers three days to make a decision, which helps the buyer better consider the offer and make a choice.

It is necessary to remind your clients about yourself from time to time by calling them. This helps to maintain the relationship.

It is recommended to call customers from a number containing a local regional code - this increases the trust and loyalty of the interlocutor.

The method is widely used in modern business practices. If the company does not have a phone with the required city code, you can use virtual numbers.
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