Today we live surrounded by technology. Also in the company. The last great leap has been that of mobility . The office has lost its limits in many organizations and we work both inside and outside the company. That is why it is becoming increasingly necessary to be able to manage the business from anywhere .
The smartphones and tablets we cambodia phone number data carry around with us today are much more powerful tools than the computers that took man to the moon. Today, we can do almost any business task from them, no matter where we are or what device we connect from. All we need is access to the Internet.
How to harness the power of smartphones and tablets in the business
The main use of smartphones in companies is still receiving and sending emails and instant messaging. Staying in touch is key. But we cannot forget about access to data and information, and business management. This is where apps are essential to make data access more convenient.
In every business area we can find apps that make it easier to use these mobile devices. Well-known examples are Slack , to facilitate communication in work teams; Dropbox, for the exchange of files and documents; GoToMeeting , for videoconferencing from anywhere; or LinkedIn , to facilitate networking.