How to optimize conversion for brand SEO?

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How to optimize conversion for brand SEO?

Post by Md5656se »

Remember that “branded SEO” is organic traffic that has directly searched for our brand or brand + related attributes, therefore, it is a user who already knows us.

We can distribute them into two groups:

1.- Users who already know us through the site
You have already browsed our site in previous sessions.

To optimize conversion in this type of user, we must work on personalization strategies, through login or browsing cookies, to offer them a tailored experience.

Bringing you products you have already visited, incentives for complementary related products and, ultimately, leading you to have a unique experience on our site.

2.- Users who already know us through other types of impacts
Traditional media, television, OOH (Out Of Home), magazines, third-party mentions, WOM (Word Of Mouth), etc.

This user is clearly a new user on our site and, therefore, we must learn as much as possible about him: his behavior, his navigation and his interaction with the different components of our digital environment.

To do this we must start with the optimal configuration of our analytical tools, a key point for understanding our users.

Conversion optimization for non-branded SEO
In this case, we are dealing with users who have landed on our site through searches for semantic territories for which our domain has managed to position itself in the search engine.

Here the task becomes more complex, since we are dealing with people who ar number code philippines e completely unaware of our environment, navigation format and key benefits, or in other words, what we offer the user that makes us a better option than the competition.

We can differentiate “non-branded SEO” users according to the landing page through which they arrive at our site:

Informational landing pages
In this case, the user has arrived at our website through a content section (blog, FAQ, etc.), probably through a query related to a search aimed at resolving a doubt or question.


This is probably a conversion-oriented visit type from the second/third session onwards.

In this case, optimizing conversion starts with offering relevant content, capable of not only responding to the user's different FUDs (Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts) that they face, but also convincing them and generating interest in the rest of our site.

For example, we can take advantage of the opportunity to offer you some type of incentive on our products.

For this, a good option that can work very well is list-type content: “The 10 best gaming chairs”, listing and linking to each of them.

Commercial landings
The user lands on the home, category, subcategory or product page and enters directly into our sales funnel.

In this case, optimizing the conversion of a new user comes directly from our ability to attract and convince.

You must give the user all the ingredients to make their experience magical and avoid even having to go to other sites to compare.

In any case, direct sales on the first landing of a new user is much more complicated and we must know our target well in order to get them to convert, and that is where our positioning as a brand is key: quality vs price, service, shipping, after-sales,
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