Automatic sending of SMS at a given time - what time should I choose?
It is difficult to clearly indicate the optimal time to russian business mailing list send SMS, because each situation is different. Individual companies may have completely pletely different habits and preferences, whether related to age, interests or type of recipient (individual customer, business customer).
The type of message (newsletter, invitation to an event, confirmation of a reservation, notification of a sale) is also important. Therefore, this is an issue that must be developed individually. It is worth conducting tests, as well as research on the needs and preferences of customers (e.g. through SMS surveys ) to find the right solution for yourself.
What is the cost of sending an SMS at a given time?
Sending SMS at a specific time using the mProfi platform involves the same cost as sending in real time, and it is also an easily scalable form of contact. The company decides how often and to how many people it sIs an app for sending SMS at a specific time necessary?
Sending SMS at a specific time is something that can be done manually. In theory, all you have to do at a specific time is pick up your phone or launch an application that supports SMS marketing and order mass sending in real time. In practice, however, this is not a very convenient solution.

We need to be sure that at a given moment we will actually have access to the device and time to send the message. There is therefore a risk that in the rush of duties we will simply forget about it. Sometimes sending a message manually may also be impossible for practical reasons. For example, when we want to send a message to customers outside of the company's working hours (in the evening, on a holiday, during the weekend).
Automatic sending of SMS at a given time (chosen by the sender, whether morning or afternoon) using a special tool solves this problem. The algorithm will not forget or make a mistake - you can be sure that the message will reach the selected recipients at the chosen time.
There are many applications for sending SMS, but it is worth choosing one that stands out with a large number of available functions, high quality customer service and appropriate care for the security of stored data.
How to set up sending SMS at a specific time in mProfi?