The essence of assortment management

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The essence of assortment management

Post by subornaakter10 »

In order for the organization's activities to be as effective as possible in terms of product sales, it is necessary to competently carry out measures to manage the product range. This makes it possible to adjust the nomenclature policy. The formation of the product range is an integral part of the strategy of the same name, it is carried out on the basis of information about consumer demand, which can be obtained during a survey or observation.

The company's product range management should be carried out in stages, according to a certain algorithm. The sequence allows determining the optimal level of inventory.

The essence of assortment japan phone number management

The events are held with the aim of creating an ideal product portfolio. Let's give an example. A bakery plant is an industrial enterprise that wants to create the best business formula: the product range should be minimal, and the output tonnage should be large. Since we are talking about the ideal, it is obvious that it cannot be achieved, but moving towards the set goal is primarily a tool for the development of the entire organization, in this case, a large manufacturing enterprise. If we are talking about a bakery, the standards will be different.


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Principles of trade assortment management
Compatibility. It is important that the regulation of the nomenclature is developed and carried out according to the strategy, the main goals of which are the development of pricing and communication policies and the sale of the enterprise's products.

Consumer focus. To increase sales, you need to study the needs of the buyer and use the acquired knowledge in practice.

Development. Needs are not constant, they change regularly. The quality of the manufactured products should change proportionally to the wishes. Ideally, the product should exceed the consumer's expectations.

Professionalism. The management of the enterprise's product range should be the responsibility of a specialist with a sufficiently high level of qualification. He or she should have a large amount of theoretical information, be able to analyze the situation and successfully apply their knowledge in practice.

Efficiency. Inventory management will not make any sense if the company's profits do not increase in the process.

The formation of the product range depends on a large number of factors that also affect the maintenance of its condition. These include:

General. This group includes economic, social, demographic, climatic, national and everyday aspects.

Specific. These include such indicators as population size, its qualitative features, type of store, infrastructure, availability of convenient transportation links, competitors, and terms of delivery of goods.

It is worth noting that the most important factor involved in forming the assortment is demand . Customer needs must be constantly monitored and analyzed.

Another important management indicator is regularity. It is important to understand that one-time regulation of the assortment will not always be able to maintain the profitability of the enterprise. This event should be of a permanent nature. Each time the process should be carried out with an assessment of the overall efficiency of the organization.
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