If you ask a consumer how they paid for their latest purchases, they will probably say that most of them were made with debit or credit cards. This was not always the case. Until recently, finding stores that offered a terminal for transactions, the famous POS, was a real adventure. Today, it is practically impossible to enter a place that does not accept these payment methods. Using them has become as common as tying your shoelaces. Likewise, the spread of online stores has allowed the use of cards without the buyer being physically present. Technology has transformed the consumer experience, who can now make their purchases without leaving home, filling virtual shopping carts. As proof of this, in 2015 alone, the Brazilian e-commerce reached a turnover of more than R$40 billion reais, according to eBit.
There is no doubt that this payment method has simplified people's lives. On the other hand, it has also posed a constant security challenge, since no password is required when purchasing online. And ClearSale has been taking on this battle since its inception. “Our mission has always been to help companies and consumers build a more transparent and trustworthy commercial environment,” says Pedro Chiamulera, president and founder of the company. Today, the email list france is a reference in anti-fraud management, with technologies, software and preventive statistical models that guarantee greater protection for the company and its customers. However, according to Pedro, there was still a decisive component to make progress in the fight against fraud: the consumer himself. “Fraudsters unite and we need to unite too: companies and people,” he emphasizes. With this purpose, ClearSale created, together with the biggest names in national retail, telecommunications companies and banks, the Compre & Confie Movement, to promote an even safer online environment, placing the customer at the center of the discussion about the importance of fraud prevention for the first time.
Protagonism in the palm of your hand
The movement is embodied in an app that works as a communication platform between consumers and companies to validate transactions and prevent fraud. On one hand, companies can register as participants in the Movement and publicize the resource to their consumers. This way, it is possible to send notifications whenever a purchase is made. On the other hand, consumers who download the app can immediately dispute a purchase made in their name with a simple tap, speeding up the fraud detection process. More than a technological innovation, the app provides a cultural change that will bring more trust and transparency to the entire market. “The consumer becomes the main protagonist of the story, with the knowledge and power to contribute decisively to quickly stopping fraud and helping to generate trust,” adds Pedro.
Buy & Trust Movement: All together against fraud
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- Joined: Sun Dec 22, 2024 3:24 am