There is a danger that companies will assess the high cost of hardware, software, licensing, and installation, plus the expense of operations and maintenance of the infrastructure, and they will underestimate. In many cases they will opt for the inexpensive route and have no automation software to schedule recurring or compliance required maintenance. Of course, the larger the company, the more security products they have to integrate and the more complex procedures they have to follow. Expecting humans to manually operate security systems can be risky, but in the interest of the bottom line, many power plants will forego more reliable automation systems.
. Electric utilities have known how to keep russia phone numbers transmission systems operational for the past 50 years. They knew how to design, protect, carry power, connect to the transmission system, and distribute power. Now, these companies are adapting to new technologies and the learning curve is dramatic.
More compartmentalized technicians are needed, such as file, server, and networking experts. Despite all the present-day defenses already in place, the infrastructure may not yet exist which can detect and thwart attacks across the spectrum. More monitoring capabilities are needed to formulate a proactive defense.